
Welcome to the recently relaunched online home of Dallas Lodge No. 231!

We are part of the 55th District of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.

Dallas Lodge meets at the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center, located just minutes North of Pittsburgh, a city with a long and rich Masonic history. Thank you for visiting our website, and I encourage you to explore the information and resources available here, including our calendar of events and meeting dates.

As Freemasons, we are both a social and civic-minded group. Dallas Lodge is an active and vibrant lodge that continues to grow and develop new opportunities for its members.  If you would like to learn more about Freemasonry or Dallas Lodge, introductory information is available on this website and the site of the Grand Lodge. For specific questions, or if you would like to speak with a member of Dallas Lodge, please feel free to email the Lodge.

If you are a Brother interested in visiting, I extend a personal invitation for you to stop by.

Jason Taylor
Worshipful Master, 2023